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Four smiling UQ students

Student Success

We are a dedicated and passionate team committed to supporting your goals and achievements

The Student Success Team provides high-quality academic, cultural, and personal services, programs, and referrals designed to enhance the student experience and facilitate success.

What we do

Services and Support

We assist and support Indigenous students with a range of services, including:


The Student Success Team can also refer students to UQ and external supports and services, including:

Student Success team

Our student success team is here to assist you with any of your needs.

Smiling woman standing under sandstone pillars in UQ Great Court

Deb Woodbridge

Team Leader, Student Success


Young woman standing under sandstone pillars in the UQ Great Court.

Nia Bon

Senior Officer, Student Success
Faculty of HaBS, EAIT and Medicine

Zenadth Kes, Darnley/Masig

Man standing under sandstone pillars in the UQ great Court

Nathan Power

Senior Officer, Student Success
Faculty of BEL, HASS & Science

Juru, Jangga, Birri, Darumbal and Ugar (Stephen Island)

Kim Lees

Kim Lees

ITAR Coordinator, Student Success
Indigenous Tutorial Assistance


Young woman standing under sandstone pillars in UQ Great Court

Ashanti Berry

Administration Officer, Student Success
General enquiries


Contact us

We come from a wide range of professional and academic backgrounds and are committed to supporting students on their path to academic success in a safe and welcoming environment.

We can provide advice via email, over the phone, MS Teams or face-to-face. Book an appointment with a member of the Student Success Team, or email