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Engage with us

We welcome your involvement.

Get involved

There are many ways you can get involved and support the great work we do with students, staff and community. From donating to further research into a cause you care about, to coming along to our events.

Thanks to our supporters, students have been provided assistance when they needed it most, research outcomes have been accelerated, and world-class academics and facilities are within reach.

You can nuture the learning journey


We welcome you in person or online to one of our many events.
RAP artwork jacaranda

Reconciliation Action Plan Network

Join our Reconciliation Action Plan Network and learn more about Reconciliation at UQ.

Past students

Meet some of our past students and learn about the benefits and opportunities for alumni. 
Dean Morrison smiling


Become part of our ChangeMaker community, and help drive innovation.
AIME logo


Help us empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander secondary students through mentoring.

ATSISU 40th Anniversary Project

We're recording our history ahead of our 40th Annivesary celebrations in 2024.