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research projects


Discover our research output and impact.

With renowned Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researchers at the helm, we are committed to growing the opportunities for Indigenous people to lead and conduct their own research.

We offer intensive support programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Higher Degree students and Early Career Researchers.

We can provide advice on:

  • working ethically with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities
  • developing research questions that matter
  • designing and decolonising research programs and projects to create change in the lives of Indigenous people.

Considering Indigenous research?

Higher Degree by Research programs at UQ include the Doctor of Philosophy, the Master of Philosophy and the Doctor of Biotechnology.

HDR students produce new knowledge and expertise that is innovative, relevant and progressive. 

Email to enquire

Male student smiling with notebook open.

Research opportunities and insights

Latest research projects

Discover the projects our Indigenous Engagement Division researchers are involved in and their impact.

Publications and outcomes

We're active in contributing to a range of publications. Explore the latest research publications and learn about the outcomes of our research efforts.

The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education (AJIE)

An open access, internationally refereed journal which publishes papers and reports on the theory, method, and practice of Indigenous education.

Summer and Winter Research Programs

Gain practical research experience and work alongside some of UQ's leading Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander academics and researchers.

Poche Centre for Indigenous Health

The Poche Centre for Indigenous Health brings together Indigenous and health expertise from across UQ, and works collaboratively with Indigenous community organisations and health providers, on improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Visit the Poche Centre website
Poche logo

Research EthicsĀ 

Academics should always consider and adhere to codes of ethics to ensure ethical Australian Indigenous research, and recognise that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have the right to be fully engaged in any processes, projects and activities that may impact on them.

Two useful resources are: 

The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Code of Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research (PDF, 2MB) 

The University of Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research and Innovation Strategy 2021 - 2025 (PDF, 4MB)

AIATSIS Code of Ethics artwork